Residential Painting Serving Columbus, OH
What We Provide
Residential Painting
From start to finish, our team is clean and organized.
We protect all floors and furniture.
We provide a free color consultation to all our clients.
Exterior Staining
Your deck is a focal point of your yard. Help it shine with a new coat of solid or semi-transparent stain.
Whether you have pressure-treated lumber or exotic hardwood, we have the right tools and products for the job.
Commercial Painting
From retail stores and office spaces, to apartment complexes and condo associations, no job is too big or too small.
We provide quick job turnarounds.
We provide clients with a color retention file to keep on hand for future maintenance.
Using an eco-friendly detergent mix, we get rid of mold, algae, dirt, and grease on siding, driveways, patios, lattice work, pavers, and more.
We also provide gutter cleaning services.
Exterior Painting
Freshen up the outside of your home with a new coat of paint.
Repaint shutters and trim to accent your exterior palette.
Wood panels, cedar shakes, Hardie plank,T-111 texture, aluminum and vinyl siding are all surfaces we have experience with.
Wallpaper Installation and Removal
Wallpaper is back, and as an accent wall, is a nice way to dress up your walls.
Or, if you’re stuck with outdated, stubborn wallpaper in your home, let us assist you with the removal.